On demand bus service


Book by app or online
Book from just 1 hour in advance.

Demand Responsive Transport 
Callconnect buses operate throughout rural areas of Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire, Rutland, Peterborough and East Northants.

Available to anyone of any age
For individuals, groups, families, young people, older people, students, tourists, one off journeys to travel as much as you need.  All vehicles have access for people with mobility or disability.

Home Pick ups and Drop offs
Available for those unable to use conventional bus services due to age, disability or mobility impairment.

Use the Callconnect Booking Portal. It’s FREE to register.

0345 234 3344

(For services in Stamford and Peterborough areas please call 0345 263 8153).

Email the team


Free Callconnect Registration

Free Callconnect Registration

Once registered, you will be given a membership number and tailored travel advice to make it quick and easy to book your journey.

Call Us or Go Online to Book

When you want to travel – contact our booking team by phone or online. Simply give your membership number and journey details to your booking agent and they’ll do the rest. Our online booking service is available at lincsbus.info You can book your bus journey from 1 hour up to 7 days in advance.

Your Booking Details

We’ll confirm your journey times and if we are not able to offer you the exact times you requested, we will suggest the nearest time available.

Did you know: Callconnect operates some timetabled services in Lincolnshire. For timetables and information go to ‘Timetabled Services’

Catch the Bus

To keep the buses moving and running to schedule, we ask passengers to be ready a few minutes before their booked time.

Remember: Our flexible buses run to a 10 minute pick up window after your confirmed time. You can track the bus you are booked on, up to an hour before your pick up time.*

Hop on the Callconnect Bus

Pay your fare, show your saver ticket or concessionary bus pass and enjoy the journey!



This page helps answer some of the most frequently asked question about Callconnect.

Journey request can be made by App or telephone- 0345 234 3344 (Lincs) or 0345 263 8153 (Bourne, Stamford & Welland). When requesting a bus journey, have your membership number and journey details ready. You can make a booking from seven days in advance up to and including the same day of travel with a minimum of one hour’s notice. All bookings are subject to availability.

Download and register for free on the Callconnect booking app

or register free by calling 0345 234 3344 (Lincs) or 0345 263 8153 (Bourne, Stamford & Welland). You will be issued with your registration number that you use to make your booking request over the phone. 

Opening and operating times can be found here

Anyone and everyone can use the Callconnect service.

From 1 January 2025, all single rides on Callconnect are capped at £3 (in line with the Government initiative)

Callconnect fares are calculated in zones, due to the variation of journeys available to book. The fare charged will be determined by the number of zones travelled in or through. Fares can be found here or call our booking office. Single or return fares purchased on bus are normally calculated with reference to fare stages. Fares cannot be paid for when booking - only payable on bus. Payment can be made by cash or contactless. Return tickets are valid only on the day of purchase, unless clearly advertised otherwise, and sometimes have time restrictions as to their validity. Return tickets should be purchased from the driver of the bus on the outward journey and presented to the driver of the bus on the return

Journey for validation. They are valid for one single journey in each direction within the same zone. There is no charge for up to 2 children under 5 years of age when travelling with another responsible full fare adult passenger providing they do not occupy a seat to the exclusion of a fare paying passenger or are seated in a buggy in an appropriate space on the vehicle. Additional children will be charged as if they were aged 5 or over.

Yes you can. If you have a concessionary bus pass, as long as you display this to the driver as you board the bus, your journey will be free. For our services in North Lincolnshire and our welland areas, we follow the Government ruling of bus passes outside of Lincolnshire and these can be used after 09.30am.

Concessionary travel schemes for many categories of passenger are operated by all local authorities in England, the Scottish and Welsh Governments. The terms, conditions and rules applying to these schemes are the responsibility of the pass issuing authority. When travelling on Callconnect vehicles, concessionary passengers must additionally comply with all aspects of these conditions. Callconnect has the right to change valid operating times to accept LCC CP. Callconnect has the right to refuse use of CP if driver or booking office believe the pass is being misused or used falsely and will report this to the LA that issued the pass. Ask the booking agent about valid operating times for use of CP for free travel. Although you are using you CP you must retain your ticket. CP holders is not a guarantee of booking availability.

Yes you can cancel a journey you have booked. If you're cancelling your bus on the day of your travel, we request at least an hours' notice before the journey takes place to ensure we are able to contact our drivers and let them know.

Manage your rides on the booking app or call our booking office. 

When you have a journey booked at a particular time, the bus is not classed as 'late' until at least 10 minutes after that specified time. This is due to the way the system works with booking other flexible journeys on the bus, or traffic also. If after 10 minutes your bus still hasn't arrived, you can call our same day team in the office who are then able to contact the driver and see where you bus is and how long it will be. We ask that all our passengers arrive at their pick up point a few minutes before their booking time.

If you have booked your ride by app, you can track your bus up to 30 minutes before its arrival. SMS text messaging will provide updates for your bus service and will let you know an estimated time of arrival. 

We understand that circumstances and situations can change suddenly, meaning you may not be able to make it in time for your bus. If you miss your bus 3 times within a certain amount of time, you may be suspended from the service for a short while. We ask if you're unable to make your bus, call us and let us know. App bookings can also be cancelled through the app. We ask, where possible, for at least 1 hours notice for cancellations. 

If you no show* for a journey this will be noted on your customer record and should you no show more than 3 times in a 4 week period you could be at risk of temporary exclusion from the service. If no shows persist we have the right to permanently exclude.

*No shows can effect availability to other passengers and cost the service money and time. No shows are classed as a passenger who have requested, booked a bus journey and failed to be at the booked location at the agreed time. The Callconnect service needs to ensure as many passengers as possible travel on the service and although we appreciated that passenger plans change it is important to the sustainability of the service that our passenger let the booking office aware of changes to their booking needs.

In the interest of safe travel all our vehicles are fitted with seatbelts. Our seatbelts are height adjustable we would ask all our passengers to wear the seatbelts provided.

Although dog is man’s best friend we need guidelines surrounding carriage of animals on our vehicles. One accompanied, well behaved dog or other small animal which will not be a danger or a nuisance for other customers or our staff are allowed to travel with you on our buses at the discretion of the driver who may reasonably decide where on the bus the animal is best carried. A fare will be charged for dogs and details please ask the driver or the booking office for price.
Guide dogs, hearing or assistance dogs accompanying registered disabled persons are carried free of charge at any time. Assistance dogs should wear their harness or identification jacket when travelling.

All Callconnect buses fully accessible and are able to accommodate approved wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Callconnect buses may vary in size from 8 seaters converted minibuses up to 20 seaters coach built buses. All vehicles are low floor and wheelchair accessible. There may be local variation in types of vehicles on service. We reserve the right to substitute a non-low floor vehicle when no low floor vehicle is available. The wheelchair area is suitable for a standard reference wheelchair which has a maximum width of 700mm, a length of 1200mm, sitting height 1350mm, footrest 150mm from the floor. Class 2 Scooters with three or four wheels can only be transported if they are compatible with unwins scooter webbing. Passengers with a scooter must travel on a seat in the bus NOT on scooter. Wheelchair and electric scooter users must ensure that they have ensured that during booking they booked as a wheelchair to ensure space available. Wheelchairs or scooters must be approved for travel on CC buses before travel. Passengers who cannot transfer to a seat and need to travel secured in their wheelchair must travel in an approved wheelchairs that has been successfully crash tested with an Unwins 4 point strap securement using a wheelchair-anchored pelvic belt, and has successfully passed the tie down clear path and securement-point accessibility test.

Subject to space being available and the discretion of the driver we will carry small prams and unfolded buggies on low floor buses but passengers must advise the booking office of this when making their booking request. Prams and buggies must not block the aisle of the vehicle at any time.

Yes you can. If you have registered with us in a certain part of Lincolnshire but are visiting another, you can still use your membership number but we will just change your pick up and drop off locations accordingly.  The same rules would apply in terms of booking.

Use the Callconnect booking app to book your journeys throughout Lincolnshire, simply select your pick up and drop off locations when booking your journey. 

When you call and book your journey, let us know how many passengers are travelling. Our buses can take between 8-12 people depending on the size of the vehicle so as many of you can travel as you want on the one membership number. Just let us know to ensure we have the seats available on the bus. We give one membership number per household, then if you have family members or friends who want to use that number, they can.
What we would ask is to just take a name and contact number so if we need to contact the person travelling for any reason, we contact the person travelling rather than the account holder. We would also just confirm the pickup and drop off locations in case they're different depending on the person travelling.

Download the Callconnect booking app for free and register your details to book your Callconnect ride. When making a booking through the app, ensure to include the amount of people travelling on the journey. 

Yes you can. If you do not live in Lincolnshire and are just visiting, you can use our service.

Download the Callconnect booking app for free and select your pick up/ drop off locations for your journey. 

We have a 'visitor passenger' account available for you to travel on if it is just a visiting one off journey. If this is the case, let the agent on the phone know and we can find your pick up and drop off locations and book these in for you. In this situation, we would take your name and contact telephone numbers in case we need to get hold of you once the journey is booked. This is still the same process in regards to booking the Callconnect in advance, and cancelling the journey if you decide you do not need it.

Callconnect use designated bus stops, as well as alternative locations. Sometimes a Callconnect pick up point could be a post box or telephone box. When you register, we will find your closest pick up point to you and this will be where we pick you up from.

If you have limited mobility or are disabled, we can go through an application form to see if we can pick you up from your home address. This is not guaranteed and it does depend on your location and accessibility, but we use our discretion.

In certain locations there are no designated bus stops and in those locations the booking office will book journeys from a pick up point that is considered safe and practical. Bus stops and designated pick up points are ‘Request Stops’ therefore you should check the bus approaching and sign the driver as the bus approaches to let them know you wish to board – If you are unsure if the Callconnect bus is your booked service, ask the driver who will only be too pleased to help. Passengers should stand in a safe place away from parked cars to ensure the bus can pull up as close to the pavement as possible. 

When booking by app, Select your pick up and drop off location on the map. If you require a home pick up, please contact our booking team. An assessment can be made and a pick up/ drop off location can be added. 

Callconnect is a demand responsive bus service, meaning we only do journeys that are book by app or by phone. 

If you're on the route of a fixed bus service, this cannot be booked as it is a hail and ride bus service. 

About to Travel?
