Home > Bus Services > Operators
Local Bus Service
£2 Fare Cap
Single fares are no more than £2 until 31 December 2024 with the following operators:
Here you will find contact details for bus operators in Lincolnshire who currently provide registered bus services in the county.
A. C. Williams
01400 230491
Black Cat Travel
01522 683250
01780 751 671
Brylaine Travel
01205 364087
0345 234 3344
Central Connect (Vectare)
0115 777 3035
0844 3511120
Delaine Buses
01778 422 866
Dents Coaches
01673 828 086
Fowlers Travel
01406 330 232
Grayscroft Coaches
01438 880 384
Haines Coaches
01205 722 359
Hunts Coaches
01507 463 000
Lincoln Dial-a-Ride
01522 544 983
01778 860 360
National Express
0871 781 8181
PC Coaches
0800 6444 605
01529 303 333
0345 605 0 605
Transport Connect Ltd
01476 571 335
Lincolnshire Bus Passenger Charter
Coordinated and improved public transport within Lincolnshire
Passengers can expect:
- A clean bus
- Up-to-date timetables and fares online
- A network of bus routes
- A friendly and helpful driver
- CCTV in operation on an increasing number of buses for your security
£2 Fare Cap
Single fares are no more than £2 until 31 December 2024 with the following operators:
Concessionary Bus Travel
Freedom with a Bus Pass
Have you applied for your concessionary bus pass?
Apply for a free bus pass
Concessionary Bus Pass
The English National Concessionary Travel Scheme allows all eligible older and disabled people to travel free on off-peak (between 9.30am-11pm Monday to Friday and all day on weekends and bank holidays) scheduled bus services anywhere in England.
In Lincolnshire, the County Council currently allows Lincolnshire pass holders to travel free of charge on local journeys before 9.30am on weekdays