Freedom Starts Here

Freedom with a bus pass

Freedom comes with your bus pass. Make the most of it and plan your next trip out with ease using our helpful Journey Planner.

Take any single journey for just £3

Single fares on some services are capped at a wallet-friendly £3. Whether you’re commuting to work, meeting friends, or exploring the city, our capped single ride fare of £3 provides you with a budget-friendly solution that doesn’t compromise on quality or reliability. 

Concessionary Bus Pass

The English National Concessionary Travel Scheme allows all eligible older and disabled people to travel free on off-peak (between 9.30am-11pm Monday to Friday and all day on weekends and bank holidays) scheduled bus services anywhere in England. In Lincolnshire, the County Council currently allows Lincolnshire pass holders to travel free of charge on local bus journeys before 9.30am on weekdays.

Callconnect Booking App

Download the Callconnect app from your app store and take control of all your Callconnect rides.

On Demand Bus Services


Callconnect is an on-demand bus service – available to all on a pre booked basis. The bus service operates throughout Lincolnshire, East Rutland and Peterborough.

Since 2001 our buses have served hamlets, villages and market towns –  giving passengers of all ages the flexibility to ride and connect to their local communities, services and other transport options. Our ‘book a ride’ service is scheduled according to passenger journey requests, giving flexibility to travel to your timetable.

Looking for more information

Contact us

You can get in touch via telephone, email and ‘X’. Find more details of how to contact us here.