Travel by Bus

Freedom Starts Here

It is easy to work out if you are eligible for a free bus pass. For an older person bus pass you must have reached the national retirement age and be eligible for a state pension. For a disabled persons concessionary bus pass there are seven categories of disability that are eligible.

Find out more and apply today

Freedom comes with your bus pass. Make the most of it and plan your next trip out with ease using our helpful Journey Planner.

Here you will find contact details for bus operators in Lincolnshire who currently provide registered bus services in the county.

Concessionary Bus Pass

How to apply for or renew your bus pass

You can apply or renew online or by telephone. You will receive your pass within 10 working days. At peak times this may take longer. There isn’t a charge to apply for or renew an older person or disability bus pass.

Your bus pass gives you free travel on off-peak scheduled bus services in England. In Lincolnshire you have the extra benefit of free local journeys before 9.30am – if the journey originated in Lincolnshire.

Using your Bus Pass

Benefits of Free Bus Travel

Discover the incredible benefits of a free bus pass, enhancing your lifestyle with financial savings, increased mobility, and improved well-being.

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Discover more

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Meet up & have fun!

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No driving or parking

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Environmental benefits

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Sense of independence

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Reduces car dependency

Freedom with a Bus Pass

Concessionary Bus Pass

Are you eligible for a free older person's concessionary bus pass?

It is easy to work out if you are eligible for a free concessionary bus pass through the English National Concessionary travel, first of all you must have reached the national retirement age and be eligible for a state pension. (Please note: different rules apply to different regions of the UK).

For a disability bus pass, there are 7 recognised disabilities for the scheme which must be permanent, have lasted 12 months or be likely to last at least 12 months.

The best way to find out if you are eligible is to check locally and there are easy ways to do that.

Bus Passes